Sunday, 16 March 2014

Haworth Hobble 2014

It was Haworth Hobble yesterday. Due to a lack of fitness (and the fact Stef is ill with GIRLflu) we didn't run. However I helped Brett out by marshaling at the Mankinholes YHA checkpoint. It was good to be involved in what was my tenth Hobble (seven ran in a pair, one solo, plus one time-keeping at the finish). The weather stayed dry and apart from me tempoarily 'losing' 97 runners for half an hour or so with a minor administrative error, it was good fun


  1. What did you do? Lose a piece of paper?

  2. I forgot to transfer numbers from one sheet to another. Think I'll run next year again ;-)

  3. Errr.... the rule is once you marshal it's your job for life
